Currency Conversion APP

Click here for My Currency Converter APP

In Math we learned about converting different currencies along with exchange rate. At the end of the unit our teacher helped us with creating a currency converting app with


I found it really challenging when I missed spelled a word because that would make the rest of my code not work. It was also hard to create the design, despite the design being really simple I wanted to try to make it the most practical it could be.ย 


I like coding however I found it a lot easier having a guide then tryin to take the blocks and figure out what exactly to do next.ย  The way we did t in class with guidance was a lot easier than just trying to figure it out and then not realizing where we went wrong.

I think that it was important to learn this to have a better understanding of whatย  we are learning in class but also to have something new that in the future could potentially help us.

4 thoughts on “Currency Conversion APP

  1. Well done Y! I like that you added a picture of your code in your blog so others can see how actually we coded it! It can be a lot of work, and programming and coding takes patience and step by step instructions until you get the basics down and then reading and finding mistakes in your code can be just as or even more tricky! I like that you made it clean and easy to use in your design. Do you think you may want to post a link for others to actually “try out” your calculator? Now that you are an official “Coder” what do you think a cool app would be for you to code or create that relates to you? Well done, glad you stuck with it and persevered!

  2. Hi Yardayna,

    I loved reading this post about your coding project. It sounds like it was hard work to code an app. I would have loved to try out your currency converter app. Would you ever try to code another app? Did you have fun? Many of my students love to code. is one of their favourite sites to use.

    I hope you try coding again one day.
    Mrs. Bennett

  3. Great job! You are definitely correct about attention to detail…one wrong letter or word and the whole thing won’t work as intended. Do you think it is important for us to teach coding in school? What grade do you think we should start this work? Do you think learning to code is a skill that you can apply to different subjects?

    Keep up the great work!

    BTW – your (anyone’s) blog is not supposed to be perfect, but it isn’t a horrible idea to run it through a simple spelling and grammar check before you publish. You just might have been funny enough to do this – “I found it really challenging when I missed spet a word because that would make the rest of my code not work. ” – on purpose, in which case, kudos to you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Dear Yardayna,
    Thanks for sharing your app! I am really so impressed by the hard work you and your classmates put in. So many of you commented on how challenging it was if you made the tiniest mistake that the program wouldn’t understand. This makes me think about any language we use to communicate, whether it’s in English, Hebrew, French, code, sign language….. There are universal signs and codes (spelling and grammar) that help others understand what we are trying to communicate. I guess we’re lucky that most humans can decipher what we are trying to say even if we have errors in spelling or punctuation. It’s a good lesson though to understand why teachers are always telling students to EDIT, EDIT, EDIT!!

    Great work!
    Mrs. Thompson

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