New York Surprise🗽


It was a very sad night. It was the last day of my winter break trip. My family and I went to New York and West Orange, New Jersey, but sadly we weren’t planning to go to the amazing borough of Manhattan. We had just came back from my family friends bat mitzvah in Queens, NY. It was so fun, but I knew no one there so I felt kind of awkward. After the bat mitzvah we went to go see one of my dad’s friends. We went to a restaurant called Carlos and Gabby, it was a bright colourful Mexican restaurant. Since I don’t eat meat I had the Cauliflower Poppers. They were really spicy, so spicy that I couldn’t even eat the whole order. They were almost as spicy as jalapeno with hot sauce.  However, they were really good. When we were done we got ready to head back to Ottawa. 


I was so sad to be leaving even though I had fun. I just wish I could go to Manhattan. It was one of those feelings that there wasn’t just one word for. Time went on as I watched movies on Netflix and Disney+. My parents thought that since we weren’t staying in the city that we should at least drive through it. Every second I just grew more and more jealous as my father pointed out all the fun things like The MET museum, the stores,  and lots of other tourist activities. I heard all the cars honking their horns and people yelling. I even heard some people yelling, “Rolex, Rolex watches, purses.” The familiar sounds of the city were finally back. My father pulled in front of a big building. The building was brown and beige with big numbers saying 185. 

The words that I never thought my parents word say, “Surprise! we ‘re staying in New York!”

My middle brother was so happy he started crying tears of joy. 

My youngest brother was just like, “Ok.” then went back on my moms phone. 

For me I just said instinctively “But I didn’t bring the right clothes.” 

My mom answered back with the perfect response. “I guess we’ll just have to go shopping!” she seemed so happy. 

I just couldn’t wait to see what happens next in the Big Apple!

One thought on “New York Surprise🗽

  1. This is the best written post I’ve seen! it reads like a passage from a book!

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